The Secret Magic Bullet To Success In Business

 People who are new to online business are usually looking for ways to increase the number of viewers or readers they can get to their content. They are looking for ways to make more money from their business.

The basic thinking is that the more people you can get to your content (whether that be a website or a podcast or videos), the more people will end up buying products from you or viewing your display ads, and the more money you will make.

All sorts of articles are written online to try to share tips that will bring you online business success. They talk about all sorts of things. Writing catchier headlines for your blog posts can encourage more people to click on your content in search engines. Doing keyword research so that you can write about things that get lots of searches each month can increase how many people find you. Becoming skilled in persuasive writing and copywriting can help you keep people on your pages for longer.

There are a nearly endless list of potential hacks you can use to improve your business. Because there are so many pieces of advice available, it is hard to know which will actually work or which are going to be most effective, because people don't have time to act on all of them.

One of my favorite bloggers, Sean Ogle, recently released a video on his YouTube channel in which he shares his "Magic Bullet" to online business success. He says right away that he doesn't actually have a magic bullet, but he shares what he says is the closest thing he has to one.

He says that the thing that is most effective in helping him get traction and improve his business is writing more. His business is based on a blog. He writes content, people find that content through search engines, and if they like his content, they might end up buying something from him (that could be affiliate products or his own products).

So rather than focus on fine tuning his existing content in the hopes of increasing his results to some tiny degree, he chooses to write more content.

The more he writes, the more success he has. He believes it is just about as simple as that.

If you don't know what else to do to move your business forward, then write. Writing is almost never a bad idea. It won't hurt you. It will only serve you.

You can watch the video on YouTube or embedded below.

I haven't yet found massive success with this blog. I have never had a month with more than 1,000 visitors. But I know that the thing that is holding me back most is a small amount of content. I have too few articles. Spending a ton of time signing up for affiliate programs and placing the links throughout my site, or optimizing calls to action and headlines would be a waste of my time.

The returns on such work would be very small. What I need to be doing is writing. I need to write more. Lots more. The more articles I have on this blog, the more traffic this blog will receive, and the more potential I will have to generate an income from this blog.

This can be easier said than done. I would love to write more. If I didn't have any other commitments, I would write on this blog all day every day.

But unfortunately I have to go to work most days to earn a living. I have chores to take care of. I have family I want to spend time with. There are lots of things in life that take away from the time I might have spent writing.

So while I might not get to write as much as I'd like to, there is doubt that writing is one of the highest productivity things I can do. And any chance I get to write more, that is what I need to be doing.

If you are trying to run an online business (or really any type of business), then you should be writing more. Your writing might not be for blog posts. It might be for emails to potential clients or anything else that moves the needle. But writing more will help you achieve your ultimate goals.

Take Sean's great advice and write more. It is the magic bullet you've been searching for.

How would writing help you achieve your goals? Do you write for your own blog? How would you help build up a writing habit? Let me know in the comments below!

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